Reboot Day 3


We are on day 3 of our 7 day “reboot.” A true reboot is strictly fruits and vegetables with mostly or only juicing. (From what I understand.) Our reboot is different but still a challenge. It consists of mainly vegetables and fruit. But also nuts and seeds. And Im allowing olive oil and seasonings for cooking the veggies because personally at this time I cant do a week of raw vegetables. Also my husband is having black coffee, I just let the coffee go this week.

So far things are going pretty well. Ive made us green smoothies each morning. A different kind each day so far.

We had salad with grilled onion, pepper, mushrooms, and tomato on it twice.

And a vegetable soup twice that sadly I did not get a picture of. We had the same meals for two days because we were gone Sunday and brought left overs with us. We are snacking on veggies, fruit and nuts in between meals and drinking lots of water.

The first day I had a head ache I believe from the lack of coffee. Thankfully I didn’t get a head ache yesterday or today. Yesterday I was having a hard time eating the salad even though I knew it tasted good. I just felt like I couldn’t eat more vegetables. But we came home and I ate a few pistachios and felt I could go on. Haha! Today I feel tired. But I think it has more to do with the time change and cloudy day then what Im eating. But its hard to say for sure.

Each day I have had moments where I feel awesome and Im really excited for this. And moments where I want to quit and go by doughnuts. Thankfully though we are still holding on and I think it is getting easier.

Its harder in ways then I thought it would be to do this. But its a good challenge and Im learning some things along the way. Like the fact that I can make our smoothies with a bit of water instead of milk and they are just as good. And I can cook things in olive oil instead of butter and still enjoy them.

Over all this is a good experience.

Todays lunch.

Tonight for dinner Im making roasted brussels sprouts and red potatoes. With maybe cherry tomatoes on the side. Im not totally sure about the side yet.

What about you? Have you ever done a reboot? More strict less strict? Let me know!
I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 

Something New (kinda)

We have been living on a mostly real food diet for almost 7 months now. Id say 60% to 80% of the time. Which for such a dramatic change thats not bad in my opinion. If we never ate at our family’s houses our percentage would be higher but we like our family’s so we eat with them a couple times most weeks. 😉

At home we have pretty much been vegetarians. I bought a small bag of chicken tenderloins once in the last like four months and there are still a couple in the freezer. We eat meat when we arent at home and someone makes it for us. But over all we aren’t big meat eaters.

Today I watched the documentary Vegucated. And for me that was the push I needed to go vegetarian. Possibly even vegan someday, but one step at a time.

I can’t say I’ll never eat meat again. But for now Its what we are going with. As well we want to cut back on all animal products.

So that will mean even more new and different foods! Im really excited to start this new chapter in our eating habbits. And conveniently enough we had a vegetable and fruit reboot planned for next week. Which will give us some time to think about our next steps.

I’ll be sure to blog soon to tell you how the reboot is going!

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 

James 1:2-3