Closing Time

I started this blog just over six months ago with so much excitement! So much passion and determination. 22 posts later and the excitement isn’t there anymore. Or at least I don’t have the time with everything else going on to get excited about this blog. It saddens me to stop because I really have enjoyed creating these posts. But between not having the time and the fact that this started as a Real Food blog and now we are Vegan. Which the two have similarities but it’s not the same. The blog just isn’t working for me right now.

For anyone who happened to read any of my posts, thanks so much for taking the time. I hope you enjoyed it.

I also hope this final post finds you happy, healthy, and living well. I wish you all the best on your journey through life.

~ Pioneer In a Modern Kitchen~

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27

Pancake Review

I love pancakes! I always have! And since switching to Real Food I have made them quite a bit. Making them with whole wheat flour isn’t the same as the white flour pancakes I was used to. But Ive adjusted and we have them pretty often. A lot of the time I make banana pancakes. Both the just banana and egg kind, and regular ones with banana in them. Typically I don’t even use a recipe. I just know the basic ingrediance needed and do what I feel like at the time. My pancakes are always a little different ever time but I always like them.

Awhile back I tried a pancake recipe that I thought was aweful! I was so disappointed and was like, “this is why I don’t follow recipes!” But then this week I decided to try another recipe. This time though they were delicious!

This is the Pancake Recipe I used. The only thing I changed was I used raw honey instead of the sugar. They turned out great, my husband loved them and I would definitely recomend trying this recipe! If you are looking for a fluffy buttery whole wheat pancake this is it!

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Getting Back On Track

Being new to real food means sometimes old habbits come back. Recently I have had some stessful/emotional family issues which means Ive made some poor choices. The old habbits to comfort eat are hard to fight. And unfortunatly I have given in to it a bit to much lately. Like yesterday when I had my husband bring home a piece of chocolate cake…

After the chocolate cake I realized I was ready to get back on track. Because the thing about emotional eating is that it just means ive made bad choices on top of dealing with the issues going on. Two bad things instead of one. In the moment the junk food is nice and it can be comforting. But then I just don’t feel good. I hope one day comfort eating will be binging on vegetables but im not there yet. 😉

Today to kick start getting back on track I had a big cup of water and a smoothie for breakfast.

It had spinach, banana, whole milk, avocado, blueberries, chia and flax seeds, and a bit of cocoa powder. It wasn’t super sweet but it was creamy and delichious! I definitely feel a lot better after eating that then the cake.

For lunch Im going to have left over brown rice and beans from dinner last night, maybe snack on some carrots. Then for dinner Im not sure yet. We are needing to go shopping so im low on fresh supplies. But Ill come up with something tasty, healthy, and real! 🙂

It feels good to be getting back on track. Not that I totally fell off of the real food wagon. But enough that I know this way of eating is much better!

In the begining God Created The Heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1