Raw Till 4… Maybe? 

Yesterday I decided to do Raw Till 4, or at least kinda. For those who are familiar with RT4 you know there are a lot of rules. Im not really one to follow such strict rules. I don’t want to track where my calories are coming from. But I stuck to raw foods till 4 and then cooked foods for dinner. For those who haven’t heard of RT4 I wont go over the guidelines here but a quick google search will explain it to you if you are interested. :)Anyway Ive tried doing it a few times, but yesterday I was the most successful at it. So what did I have? Lots of good things!

For breakfast I ate half a Cantaloupe. A couple hours later I had a 40 oz banana date shake. An hour or two after that I ate four clementines. And then later I felt the need to have something less fruity so I made a salad. Then after 4:00 for dinner I made us baked potatoes! Which had russets, sweet potatoes, and yellow potatoes! I used some salt and pepper to season them and baked them for a hour. And through out the day I drank 96 oz of water.

Thats what I had for my whole RT4 day. It was all delicious and very satisfying.

Where I think the true Raw Till 4 lifestyle people would disagree with what I did is… In my shake I used 1/3 cup of fresh peanut butter. I also used half an avocado and salt in my salad. The Raw Till 4 plan is low fat and low salt. I don’t know if what I ate went above what they recommend. But like I said I don’t feel like keeping that close of track. I also think they would say I didn’t eat enough. But for my body what I ate felt good. I didn’t not eat enough. I ate what I wanted when I wanted to and I enjoyed it! One of the big RT4 rules that I did follow was no oil. Which is kinda a big deal for me because I like using olive oil on my baked veggies. But I didn’t use it!

So I think I did pretty decent. I don’t know that we will ever be full time Raw Till 4 vegans, but I could see at least doing it part time.


What about you? Have you ever tried Raw Till 4? Did you love it? Did you hate it? Do you live by it? Do you have any tips on how I could do it better without having to keep close track of what I eat? Let me know in the comments!

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
James 1:2-3