What my Vegan Baby ate today! 

Lately I have been watching “what I ate today” videos on youtube. I think they are interesting and fun to watch. Since I don’t make videos though I thought I would do a blog. And since I’m always talking about what I eat I thought I’d tell you what my baby ate.

My daughter is almost one and a half and still happily breast feeding. In between nursing though this is what she ate today, in our mostly real food vegan home!



She also had some of my banana date shake, more cashews, and drank water through out the day. ( I just didn’t take pictures of that. )

It was a good eating day for her, some days she’s not as interested in solid foods. But she loved all her food today and is happy.

There you have it! What my vegan baby ate today! Let me know if you like this kind of blog. I could definitely do more!

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14