Apples, Apples Everywhere!


Oh Fall, you bring so many wonderful things, and that includes an abundance of apples!

Last Sunday my mother-in-law sent me home with 3 dozen apples. She had a huge box full from a friend and she shared some with me. She wanted me to take more but I figured 3 dozen would do it for us.

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I wanted to try making homemade apple sauce sweetened with maple syrup! And I found a recipe that did just that. This one Here! Of course though I didn’t fully follow the recipe.

I didn’t use the kind of apples it called for. And honestly I don’t even know what kind I did use. I also blended the apples before cooking them instead of mashing them at the end.


It made for a very smooth apple sauce! At least my second pot was, the first pot was a little chunky because I hadn’t quite got down the blending technic. But by the second round it was perfect!


I also used a little less maple syrup then it called for and I skipped the cinnamon, because personally I like my apple sauce without it. Which I have heard makes me crazy. Haha but hey what do you do? I was very pleased with how it turned out. I got to freeze 5 cups of it for future baking use. And we have had a couple jars in the fridge that we have been enjoying.


What about you? Do you make home made apple sauce? With or with out cinnamon? And what is an excellent dessert to make with apple sauce? Let me know! I have never done it before but am looking forward to trying it out!

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The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Genesis 2:9