Making unreal desserts Real!

I love baking! I have been baking for around seven years, mainly cookies, but I have dabbled in most desserts. I still bake cookies sometimes, but since switching to real food it hasn’t been the same. Cutting out white flour, sugars, and chocolate chips changes the baking game. Using whole wheat flour, raw honey, and pure maple syrup instead makes desserts very different. I have gotten better at baking delicious desserts in the past months the more I have tried and discovered what works. I have stayed pretty determined to make real food desserts taste great. And I have succeeded.

Today I wanted to make an apple dessert. We had apples that weren’t very crisp so I thought the best way to use them would be in a tasty dessert. And a tasty dessert is what I made!

For the first time I made apple fritters! And they are almost completely made of real food! One of the things Ive learned about baking with real ingredients is all whole wheat flour doesn’t make for the best desserts. Some things yes, bread, pancakes, cake, brownies, biscuits. They can all be made 100% whole wheat and be great. But I had a feeling the apple fritters would be better with half whole wheat flour, and half all purpose flour. Which is what I did and they were so good! I also used pure maple syrup instead of sugar. And coconut oil instead of canola.

This is the recipe I used but with the changes I mentioned. I also only made half a batch.

I was going to make some kind of honey glaze but they were so good on their own I didn’t feel a need to!

Next time I might use all whole wheat flour so they can be 100% real. But I figure even with half all purpose flour they are still so much healthier then apple fritters you could buy at the store! I really like finding unreal recipes and changing them into real food recipes. (Or mostly real in this case.)

What about you? Do you stick to all real ingredients when you make desserts? Go half and half? Or just go all in with the sugar and white flour? Honestly sometimes I miss the days when I did go all in! But Im having fun figuring out how to do desserts Real.
You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.
Psalm 128:2

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